​Contact Us: 847.803.0400

We, at Hope Hospice, believe that the best way to ensure quality end-of-life services for all persons experiencing loss is through the education of the community as well as other healthcare professionals.
Many people are unaware of the care and support that they are entitled to. In fact, only 1 in 3 eligible patients and their families experience the benefits of Hospice.
There are many educational topics that can be covered by the professional staff at HOPE at your next community, church or organizational function. All topics can be tailored to meet your group’s specific interests and needs.
Examples of popular topics include:
Hospice Care – Dispelling the Myths
Creating an Advance Directive or Living Will
The Hospice Volunteer – Giving the Gift of You
Losing a Loved One to Illness
The Grieving Child
Spirituality in Hospice Care

From the Patel Family
True kindness is a rare and beautiful thing. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to you and all you did for our father over the past few weeks. He was extremely fond of you and appreciated your kindness and care. You were there to guide us in a time of confusion and comfort us when we needed it most. Our prayers, thanks and blessings are always with you.