Mental Health in Older Adults
By: Kasia Krawczyk
The first Older Adult Mental Health and Aging Awareness Day was held on Friday, May 18,
2018. This year May 11th marks the 6th annual year that this event is taking place. Contrary to
stereotypes about aging, depression is not a “normal” part of getting older. It is a medical problem that
affects many older adults and can often be successfully treated. In addition, it is clear that our population
is aging - approximately 75 million Americans will be over age 65 by 2030. A study performed in 2012
showed that one in five older adults in the United States experienced a mental illness, substance use
disorder, or both. The increasing number of older adults with mental or substance use disorders could
have a tremendous impact on the healthcare needs of our nation and that is why this issue needs to be

Depression is often underrecognized and undertreated in older adults. Without treatment,
depression can impair an older adult’s ability to function and enjoy life, and can contribute to poor overall
health and well-being. The barriers that keep many older adults from accessing supportive mental health
services include denial, lack of information or knowledge, personal financial imitations, limited state and
federal funding, waiting lists, and biases. Yet overcoming those barriers is key to improving older adult
mental health.
There are a variety of different ways for older adults to help overcome and take control of their
depression, for example:
- Increased social interaction and spending time with family
- Trying to stay physically active, even if it just means going for a short walk
- Eating a nutritious diet
- Getting proper sleep
- And if necessary, seeking professional help from a physician or licensed counselor
Overall, depression and other mental health disorders are often overlooked and not thought about
when it comes to older adults. It is imperative that we keep in mind that anyone, at any age, can suffer
from a mental disorder and therefore, check up on your loved ones and let them know they have your
support if needed. The team at HOPE Hospice recognizes the importance of understanding and addressing
the mental health needs of our patients through an interdisciplinary approach to care. If you or your loved
one would like to know more on how HOPE can help, please contact us for more information.