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New Year Reflections & Resolutions

The start of a new year is a time for reflection on the past year and a preparation for the new one. It’s a time where achievements are celebrated and new resolutions are made. Here at Hope Hospice, our team have done their own reflection and preparation after an unpredictable 2020. We asked some of our team members two very important questions:

1. What was your biggest takeaway/ lesson you learn

ed in 2020? Or what did the Covid-19 pandemic teach you?

Social worker Irene Gonzalez: “This past year was quite a year! With so much that has happened within the year, the biggest takeaway I have is the opportunity to join Hope Hospice, in the middle of a pandemic. I am appreciative of my colleagues and the patients and family members we support. I’m also very grateful that we are able to serve during this most needed time. I am also grateful that the pandemic has taught me to cherish my loved ones, my friends, and family members and make the best of the opportunities we do have. Toilet paper is important but time lost is never regained.”

Lead Nurse Haracaine Garcia: “This pandemic has taken a lot from us but it has also given us something in return- life lessons. The greatest that I have learned is the importance of having an emergency fund. A lot of people have lost their jobs since the pandemic started. Although, as an essential worker, I did not lose mine but seeing how other people/family struggled with unemployment made me realize how important having an emergency fund truly is.”

Clinical Manager Rosemarie Jamantoc: “2020 is a very tough year for me. FIrst, I am one of the survivors from the Covid-19. Second, when my house in the Philippines got flooded causing all my hardwork belongings to be destroyed by the flood. With this, I find myself still blessed because I am still here with my loved ones. This teaches me to be stronger as a person, thankful for my life and what I have, and to live meaningful and healthy.”

Lead CNA Abril Oliva: “This past year has unfortunately brought many unforeseen challenges for many. It's been a troubling year nonetheless, but it has definitely brought more clarity for many, including myself. Everyday is a blessing, being able to wake up and notice all the little things we sometimes take for granted. It is clear that through this past year we have found our hope in keeping God near, for He is our refuge.”

Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator Father Dr. Cesar Pajarillo: “From a spiritual and behavioral health perspective, I have learned that the pandemic has brought a lot of anxiety and fear on individuals - especially those who have tested positive in the early stages of the pandemic, when a COVID-19 positive diagnosis was often seen as almost a death sentence. But on the other hand, I also realized that the pandemic had brought a lot of people closer to God or their faith, and has also allowed many to reconnect with their families. I have known people who lived here in the US who have reached out to their families in the Philippines, for example, and did whatever they could to provide help. I believe that it is in dark moments like these where the light of faith and humanity shines through.”

2. What are your resolutions/goals for 2021?

Social Worker Irene Gonzalez: “I'm not one for resolutions as I feel that they are more difficult to keep, however, my goal for 2021 is to continue to be the best support possible for my patients and family members and to do as much as I can with a grateful heart. I am truly blessed to have this opportunity with Hope and I am excited to see what this new year brings.”

Lead Nurse Haracaine Garcia: “My goal for this year is to be able to save more and spend less. We can never be certain what lies ahead so we should save for the rainy days.”

Clinical Manager Rosemarie Jamantoc: “My goal for 2021 is to live life to the fullest because you never know what will happen tomorrow.”

Lead CNA Abril Oliva: “Strengthen my faith, read more of the bible, spend quality time with God, and continue to happily be there for my husband, family, loved ones, and patients. My husband and I have been on a Plant-Based lifestyle this past year so we will continue this healthy lifestyle in 2021. [To] Serve more with my husband in our Church and our community and live life with a grateful loving heart.”

Chaplain and Bereavement Coordinator Father Dr. Cesar Pajarillo: “My resolutions for 2021 are the following: Pray more fervently for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, practice same or increased precautions so that I don't get infected with the COVID-19 virus (I have been lucky to have survived 2020 despite being in contact with a lot of people), and reach out to our patients and staff to provide spiritual and emotional support as necessary, so that they don't feel they are isolated or abandoned.”



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